Monday, February 26, 2007

Promo Cymru Brief (Flash Game)

The Promo Cymru project was based on a Flash game which was created by me and my colleague Gareth (D10 trainee). The project was open to new ideas. However, whatever we produce, we have to address some of the 10 commandants (the 10 entitlements) which address some social aspects as well as educational. The 10 commandments basically is a sort of list of rights each of the youngster are entitled to e.g. right to education, right to employment, right to making decision etc.

What we decided to do is to produce a game which will address those commandments in more of fun away by creating a Flash game based in Cardiff City Centre. The theme of the game is about aliens invading Cardiff and trying to make human work for them by not allowing them by invading their rights. We named the game Cardiff Attacks.

The game kicks off by a youngster coming out from Burger King (in the game named Burger Queen due to copyright) in Cardiff City Centre. The youngster embarks to the Public Advice Centre to get advice on employments, education, financial etc. The problem is aliens are preventing him from reaching his destination. Then the confrontation begins in order to win the rights back.

My part in the game was to work on the graphics and the background of the game. We took pictures of the Cardiff City Centre, then using Adobe Illustrator’s pen tool, I had outlined the background so in end it can have the cell shade effect.

[Screen shot coming soon]


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